
Any treatment is specific & unique to every single patient. A disease may be due to single factor or multiple factors. Any disease may have an associated problem within the muscles, ligaments, joints, bones, and the spine.The complete cure of a disease, ideally should include the treatment of associated problems.The brain and spine secrets protocol have helped a lot of patients, to overcome their disabilities, to avoid surgeries, and to lead a better life than before.

Brain & Spine Secrets

I found that my medical profession is full of complex disease and treatment options are also varied. Wanted to simplify it to overcome these difficulties.

.Treatment starts from preventive measures.

.Found that Training your mind with simple exercises will help you to modify your brain waves and your thought by which you can alter biochemical reactions at the cellular level

.Found that Training your physical body with simple easy exercises will modify the genetic predispositions and increase the ability of the body to overcome all disease.

.You are a machine

.Only proper daily care can make your machine work properly.

.At present situation stress in your job / life style plays a major role in

development of any disease which includes heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and so on...

.Found that relaxation techniques, regular exercises, meditation are helpful in diffusing stress, tension, to get rid of from sprains and strains occurring

in day to day life .You will gain more Emotional, Spiritual, Physical and Mental benefits.

Vikatan Article about Holistic Medical Therapy - Dr.K.Raguraja Prakash

The Secret

You are what you eat

You are what you think

You are what you do

Your life is in your hands



Fellow in Neuroendoscopy ( Brain & Spine)

